
What does this cost? And, how much cash back can I expect?

CashFreely is 100% free. We do not ask for credit card information. We can offer our expertise and service for free because we can earn commission when someone is approved for a card that has an affiliate link.

Please know that we do not put profit first. We aim to treat you as friends. We will always post the best links and offers available whether or not they earn affiliate commission. We want to earn your long-term loyalty and respect.

Here’s some great news: Individuals with good credit can expect $1,500+ in their first year, and couples can expect $3,000+. If you own a small business, you can expect to earn even more. This is not a one time thing. We help you earn thousands every year.


Will this impact my credit?

Yes, in a good way. People who use credit cards responsibly always have a higher credit score than someone who spends with cash or debit cards. In almost all cases, people who use credit cards responsibly have great credit scores because of low credit utilization rates that banks love. The vast majority of our members have seen increased credit scores.


How much time should I expect to spend each month?

Users can spend as little as 10 minutes per month and still get $1,500+ in cash back every year. CashFreely automates your reminders and gives you the tools to make decisions simple and easy.


Will I have to apply for and manage a ton of cards?


Not at all. The smartest CashFreely members only have 1 or 2 cards in their wallet at a time.

You can also go at your own pace. Our members with really busy lives can earn $1,000+ with just a couple cards per year.

The key is having a system that is organized and stress free. Hence, CashFreely.


Do I have to live in the USA in order to use CashFreely?

CashFreely works only for those who can apply for U.S. credit cards. So, if you live outside the USA, but have a residence in the USA, this can work for you.


How long until I am earning a lot of cash back?

Our members with good to excellent credit can expect to earn $500 or more in the first 3 months.


What about security?


Other apps ask for credit card numbers, bank login info, social security numbers, etc. We do NOT! The only info you share is the name of the cards and the date you opened them. In other words, NO bank logins, NO credit card numbers, NO social security info. NO confidential information.


At the same time, we still use the highest level security through encryption and SSL certificates, but we do NOT ask for sensitive information.

Still have questions for us?

If you’re lost or have a question e-mail us at ten.y1743190701leerf1743190701hsac@1743190701klats1743190701tel1743190701.

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